English abstract
Necessity of the social demise of viral infections
The COVID-19 epidemic in Japan is coming to an end. Nevertheless, many areas continue to extend PCR(polymerase chain reaction)antigen tests for SARS-CoV2 to a large number of asymptomatic individuals. However because in Japan media such as television lack ethics and morals, harmful news programs remain. They continue to scare people. Despite the near-end of the viral epidemic, people are failing to act reasonably.
Even under such circumstances, a small number of people are acting in good faith. Such examples are Nippon Cultural Broadcasting and President Online, who continues to post appropriate and accurate news for people in darkness. Gradually, people with a sense of justice are beginning to gather.
Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 has been prevalent for 11 years and leads to substantial annual death tolls. However, people remain unafraid for many years. In the same manner, people will be protected from SARS-CoV2 with the appropriate vaccine. Once the pandemic situation is resolved, society should then concentrate on ending the great social tumult.
1.Worldometer Japan coronavirus
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14.全国の救命救急センター長たちが「医療崩壊」という言葉に違和感を持つ理由 救急患者は通常より減少している 笹井恵里子
15.「指定感染症」の呪縛から新型コロナを解放せよ 漫然とつづく「無症状者の入院・隔離」措置が、国民と医療現場を疲弊している 川口浩 東京脳神経センター整形外科・脊椎外科部長 論座 2020年8月20日
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