English abstract
The novel coronavirus is no longer novel
In Europe, 20A.EU, which is a variant of SARS-CoV-2, is prevalent. In other words, mutations have occurred in the essential genes that characterize the coronavirus, i.e., the coronavirus considered novel one year ago is no longer “novel” or “new.”
SARS-CoV-2 is only one variation in the long history of coronaviruses and will continue to change. In COVID-19 pandemic the general public also gained the opportunity to study virology.
A well-known Japanese athlete once displayed a positive result after antigen polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing but was negative for three subsequent tests. The doctors assumed that the first result was a “false positive” and concluded that the result was “negative.” In the future, a positive result followed by negative results after repeated tests will be considered a false positive in Japan.
The procedure reveals that many people with positive results after PCR testing did not develop symptoms with the postponement of the epidemic stage. Hence, tracking people who tested positive and analyzing clusters are no longer possible.
Additionally, the mutant virus gene may not be amplified by the PCR procedure using conventional reagents. If the mutations are also tested, then one person may need multiple reagents. Therefore, conducting retests for false positives and denials will result in an infeasible number of tests. As such, PCR testing using a single reagent is becoming meaningless.
More than a year has passed since the epidemic occurred, and the number of people who have acquired immunity has been increasing.
Furthermore, several simple antigen test kits have emerged. Against this background, the study believes that it is the right time to treat the coronavirus as one of the regular common cold viruses.
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