



English abstract

Making large quantities of vaccine against COVID-19 within a short period of time: Why?

mRNA vaccine is a one of the few surprising cutting-edge gene therapies
In recent years, various treatment methods using genes have been developed, whereas the current circumstances feature the COVID-19 epidemic, which has recently occurred. Thus, the rapid mass production of mRNA vaccines has been realized due to the coincident development of the pandemic and vaccine.

The mRNA vaccine for COVID-19 is fundamentally different from conventional vaccines, which use only the genetic information of viruses without live virus proliferation.

When the mRNA vaccine is delivered via intramuscular injection, the muscle cells produce viral proteins. Thus, the vaccine induces cell-mediated immunity as well as antibodies by humoral immunity.

Although mRNA vaccines are produced in large quantities in clean rooms, “safety and manufacturing” has become a hot topic of debate among academic circles.
If the mRNA vaccine is composed of the genetic information of proteins produced by cancer cells, then it should be a “cancer vaccine.” In addition, it may be used to treat diabetes and Alzheimer's disease because mRNA introduces adequate protein into the body.

The mRNA treatment method is currently considered an mRNA vaccine. However, its establishment as novel essential treatment methods in the future is promising. I hope that Japan will play a part in realizing this vision.

I would like to express my deepest appreciation to Dr. Keiiji Itaka (Professor, Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering, Tokyo Medical and Dental University) for the help and support.

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