Q. Where can I go to buy cheap kimono?

A. You can buy cheap kimono in second hand shops in Harajuku and Asakusa.

●言葉:cheap「安い」、second hand「中古」
●表現:You can buy …… in ~「~で……を売っている」

Q. Can I buy a Japanese sword?

A. It would be very difficult and expensive to buy an original sword. You can buy real-looking swords at souvenir shops, but the blades aren’t sharp. If you want to become a samurai, you should first practice with a fake sword!

●言葉:Japanese sword「日本刀」、blade「刃」、fake「偽の」

Q. Is there a place where I can see real ninja?

A. I’m afraid there aren’t any real ninja alive these days. There are places where you can dress up like a ninja and do ninja training. Maybe there really are ninja, but they’re just hiding from everyone!

●表現:there are places where you can ~「~できる場所がある」、dress up like ~「~に扮する」、hide from ~「~から身を隠す」