Q. At Japanese festivals, many participants get quite tipsy. Why?
お祭りでは、酔っぱらっている人が大勢いますね? どうして?

A. During many festivals, sake is offered to the deities. The sake once offered to the deities is believed to acquire divine power. After the ritual, people share the sake to benefit from that power.

●言葉:deity「(多神教の)神」 、acquire「獲得する」、ritual「儀式」
●表現:get tipsy「ほろ酔いになる」、divine power「聖なる力」

Q. Why do Japanese like the tea ceremony?

A. People can clear their minds in an uncluttered space and enjoy concentrating on the beauty of simple objects.

●言葉:tea ceremony「茶道」、uncluttered「整頓された」、concentrate「集中する」
●表現:clear one's mind「雑念を払う」、the beauty of~「~の美しさ」

Q. I'd like to try to do zazen meditation.

A. There are some temples where you can do it. You need to sit quietly for about 30 minutes, and then there’s a short break. If your legs start killing you, it means you’re becoming enlightened!

●言葉:meditation「瞑想」、「kill (患部などが人を)ひどく苦しめる」
●表現:become enlightened「悟りを開く」

Q. What’s inside that box that they’re carrying?

A. That’s called a mikoshi. It's like a little portable Shinto shrine. During the festival, we carry it around the neighborhood. It contains the spirit of the local god. He gets to go on a little trip once a year.

●表現:go on a trip「旅行する」、once a year「年に一度」