English abstract

What you need to do to avoid being defeated by the overheating "corona turmoil" 10 patterns seen in TV coverage

The damage of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is lesser in Asian and Oceanian countries, including Japan, compared with Western European countries. The pandemic is almost over, and I have repeatedly emphasized that COVID-19 is a cross-antibody produced by seasonal coronaviruses that has been prevalent every year in President Online columns.

In Japan, preventive measures were implemented in excess and the number of deaths decreased. However, information shown in Japanese television repeatedly caused fear and anxiety among the people, and the economic damage unnecessarily continues.

Psychological manipulation through COVID-19-related programs aired on television were classified into the following 10 themes:

(1)Regardless of the content and time of airing, the information is continually disseminated.
(2)Attention is continuously drawn by cascading unknown technical terms one after the other.
(3)A sense of helplessness is created with previous knowledge, and people are compelled to obey experts.
(4)Information that emphasizes constant danger around people is frequently diffused.
(5)Viewers are exposed to easy-to-understand icons, which makes the problem reflexively conditioned.
(6)Broadcasted information only contains a part of the whole picture, which prevents the people from holistically understanding the entire situation.
(7)Disobedience to the recommended measures produces guilty feelings when a disaster occurs in one's family.
(8)Goals are presented one after the other, resulting in unfinished resolutions that exhaust people.
(9)The general situation creates loneliness and makes people feel incomprehensible.
(10)Repetitive cutting off of hope for the future to make false despair causes people to turn to other sources of information, even malicious ones.

Such methods of inciting people in the wrong direction on a global scale have been constantly developed. SNS and information from the Internet are integrated into television programs. People need to be careful to not be affected by mass hysteria. Therefore, it is necessary to think calmly and behave cautiously.

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