English abstract

The lack of necessity of a state of emergency for the next epidemic: Withdrawal from the Novel Coronavirus Expert Meeting who are particularly focused on the number of new positive

 In Japan, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 has sharply decreased and reached nearly zero. Experts in Japan who predicted that the infection would explode are unable to explain this reality.
 My opinion is that management created by experts has failed from the beginning, and the man-made disaster is worse than expected. Nonetheless, experts have released political statements that deviate from the position of advisors apart from politicians.
 In hindsight, the extent of the damage incurred by COVID-19 on Japan was less than on other countries. Since the beginning of 2020, I have been paying attention to the fact that the damage is minimal in countries around China in terms of geopolitics, repeatedly mentioned in this column by me. Further, I believe that immunity to the conventional coronavirus and other pandemic waves of COVID-19 may protect people from its severe effects. Experts have continued to implement excessive self-restraint policies to reduce the number of new positive cases despite the small damage. However, they have overlooked the establishment of a treatment system for COVID-19 affected people.
 They have continued to use the number of new positive cases to arouse public fear and anxiety and have promoted only self-restraint and vaccination. In the United Kingdom, the number of deaths remains stable despite the increase in the number of new positive cases, leading to its free opening.
 The youth in Japan report nearly no damaging effects as a result of COVID-19. Therefore, I presume that gene vaccination (i.e., mRNA vaccination) is unnecessary. I believe that acquired immunity from natural infections is more multi-layered and powerful than vaccination. Moreover, experiencing viral infections that are mild in early childhood and severe in adulthood is common.
 The action that I think is necessary for the public is to withdraw from experts who are particularly focused on the number of new positive cases. The situation has completely changed all over the world. Thus, the need for excessive self-restraint policies, such as lockdowns, is no longer applicable. Moreover, vaccines should only be given to elderly people and people with preexisting conditions who need them.
 In sum, the right choices should be made to build a constructive and prosperous future.

1.「最悪の場合、1万人もある」 東京の新規感染者について
3.「重症化するまで患者を放置するのはおかしい」現役医師が"コロナ専門家"に憤る理由 自粛だけでコロナは終わらない
4.(第68回)東京都新型コロナウイルス感染症モニタリング会議資料(令和3年10月21日)04 グラフ(新規陽性者数 他)
5.「感染力2倍」想定して医療体制整備へ…首相「幽霊病床の見える化を」 読売新聞 10月15日
6.現役医師が断言「緩い日本のコロナ対策はむしろ多くの命を救った」 日本のやり方こそが最適解だった
7.新型コロナ、首都圏ほぼ全員既感染⁉ 日本の死者が欧米より少ない要因の一つに「集団免疫説」 専門家の新抗体検査で明らかに 産経新聞 2020年8月17日
8.19年夏にPCR機器を中国が大量発注 米英豪チームが解析 コロナ12月発生説を疑問視 日本経済新聞10月5日
9.コロナ感染第3波 東京・大田区保健所の1日 NHK 2020年12月9日
10.Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States(68カ国間と米国の2947の郡間では、ワクチン接種のレベルとCOVID-19の増加は無関係だった) Eur J Epidemiol. 2021 Sep 30 : 1-4
11.現役医師「恐怖を煽るテレビを消して、私たちは外に出よう」 11年前の新型インフルと状況は同じ
12.イギリスで再び感染者増加 行動規制撤廃、過去3カ月で最多に 毎日新聞 2021年10月19日
