







English abstract

Is “new coronavirus COVID-19” becoming a “prevail seasonal virus” in Japan?

In August 2020, the number of positive cases of COVID-19 has increased according to the number of antigen tests in Tokyo, Japan. However, both this positive rate and number of patients with severe symptoms remain almost immutable. Only asymptomatic carriers of the virus have been increasing.

In other words, only a certain number of asymptomatic persons are positive in the population, which suggests the possibility that the prevail “new” coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has transformed into one of the “seasonal” viruses in Japan.

In Japan, emergency measures, which were taken in the early stages of the epidemic, blindly continue. Municipalities remain in fear of a small number of asymptomatic antigen-test positive individuals. For example, if one person was found positive, an entire school will be closed, and the buildings will be disinfected.

The first occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 has been reported in the summer of 2019. Global exposure to the virus has reached one year. If emergency measures, such as self-restraint and school closure, will be extended, then damage to the economy and culture will be larger.

Each country or region worldwide will need new strategies against SARS-CoV-2 as a prevail virus. As such, an international dialogue for the formulation of responses to the coronavirus in a new phase will be required.

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