

Would you~?は定番の丁寧な依頼表現。相手への気配りを感じさせるpleaseを付けたほうがよりよい印象になる。Could you please~?でも同じ意味。社内外問わず使うことができる。


I was wondering if you would be available next week for a meeting to discuss our project. Would you please let me know a couple of time slots between Dec 6 and 10 for a 30-minute meeting?


We would appreciate some time next week to further discuss your investment plans. Would you please let us know your availability next week?


I know how busy you are, but I would be grateful if you could spare some time to discuss my training program for next year. Would you please let me know what time might be convenient for you?


I'd like to ask for your help in putting together a draft of the report we're sending out next week. Would it be possible to ask you to put aside some time to work on this?


We'd like to place an order for a banner to use at the next event. Would you please put together an estimate for our review?


The price you quoted is a little above what our budget allows. Is there any way that you can discount it so that we can do business with you?


At present, we believe it will be impossible to deliver XX to you by the agreed upon date. (または Due to unforeseeable circumstances, there may be a delay in sending XX to you.) Would it be possible to extend the delivery date?