

1. May I have your name please?
──I'm Toshiya. Toshiya Ito.

2. Where do you live?
──I live in Yokohama.

3. Do you like the neighborhood you live in?
──Yes, because there are many shops and restaurants nearby.

4. What do you do for a living?
──I am an engineer for ABC Corporation.

5. Do you enjoy your job?
──Yes, because I work with wonderful colleagues.

6. How do you commute to your workplace?
──I drive.

7. How long does it take from your house to the office?
──It takes about thirty minutes.

8. What do you usually do after you finish work?
──I go out for a drink with my colleagues.

9. When do you usually start and finish work?
──I usually start at eight in the morning
 and finish at around five in the afternoon.

10. How many days off a week do you usually have?
──I usually have two days off -- Saturdays and Sundays.

安河内哲也先生の特別講座 ビジネス英語達成法<index>

Part.1 英語を話すための7つの鉄則

(大竹 聡=取材、文 中林 香=撮影)